Antoine CALBET (Engayrac 1860 - Paris 1942)

Women on the Shore on a Windy Day

32.5 x 25 cm. (12 1316 x 9 1316 in.)

Fusain and pastel on prepared paper

Signed lower left: A. Calbet

As painter, engraver, draughtsman, and watercolorist, Antoine Calbet was a multi-talented artist. Originally from Montpellier where he perfected his drawing at the School of Fine Arts, he went to Paris in the 1880s in order to finish his Fine Arts education under Alexandre Cabanel. He first became known in the salons for his friendly with the President of the Republic, Armand Fallières, and then as a terrific draughtsman and illustrator of Parisian life. He was quickly noticed and his commissions multiplied. The quality of execution and profusion of details in his drawings made them finished works whose spontaneity revealed Parisian energy in the early 1900s, the Belle Epoque.

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